Lamborghini Drivers' Lawyers Threatens Media and Public in Response to Negative News

Jumat, 04 Desember 2015 – 01:40 WIB
An ad in Jawa Pos displaying "threat" to those who condemns the accident, Thursday (3/11) - SURABAYA - A tragic Lamborghini accident which crashed into a milk street vendor in Surabaya on Sunday, November 29, has been the focus of public and media attention. The news revolved around the accident tends to push the driver around. In response to out-of-control “negative” news about their client, a team of lawyers of the Lamborghini driver, Wiyang Lautner, 24, has put an ad in Jawa Pos, one of the largest selling newspapers in Indonesia.

The ad asked the media and the public in social media not to publish negative news. “(So the media and the public) should not publish negative news or make negative statements without basing them on conclusive evidence, as it would harm our client,” Amoz HZ Taka wrote in the ad.   

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The lawyers insisted will take the matter to court if the media does not comply with their appeal.

In the ad, Amoz and Associates stated that the incident was purely accidental which can happen to anybody. “The incident happened on Sunday, November 29 2015 was not of a street race,” he claimed.

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The lawyers also claimed that it happened because of the Manyar Kertoarjo road condition which was inundated and slippery. For that reason, the tyres skidded and the rear right tyre crashed into the pavement. 

“It made the right tyre locked so the vehicle was out of our client’s control,” he added. Finally, Amoz stated that his client and the family of the casualties believed that it was purely accidental and had made an agreement of peaceful solution.

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The ad was signed by seven lawyers. Other than Amoz, Wiyang’s lawyers are Muslihin Mappiare, Sanyoto Rahardjo, Roosmarty Fattah, Randy Putra, Afrizal Kaplale and Agung Wibowo. (mas/apa/jpnn) 

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Redaktur : Tim Redaksi

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