, MALAYSIA - Zaskia Sungkar baru saja menjalani operasi penyumbatan lemak di saluran kandungannya di Malaysia.
Dia mengaku beruntung memiliki Irwansyah yang siaga mendampinginya saat menjalani operasi.
BACA JUGA: Ternyata Ini Penyebab Zaskia Sungkar Sulit Memiliki Momongan
Kesetiaan Irwansyah rupanya membuat kakak kandung Shireen Sungkar itu terharu.
Dia merasakan ketulusan sang suami yang selalu mencintainya dalam segala kondisi.
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BACA JUGA: Tinggal di Malaysia, Bella Ungkap Rasa Kehilangan Zaskia
Seperti yang diungkap Zaskia dalam unggahannya di akun Instagram.
“You’ll know someone loves you when they care for you when you're sick and weak they take the day off work to take care of you. they cry and worries about you.. They will not ask for praise or keep score of their leniencies – they are genuinely happy to see you and that takes precedence over any minor inconvenience incurred by doing so," tulis Zakia Sungkar sebagai keterangan foto.
"You’ll know that someone loves you when they take your side. This doesn’t mean they agree with everything you do but it means that they don’t disappear when it’s time to work through something tough. When someone loves you they share in all your joys and your pains without being asked,” lanjutnya.
Pada foto yang diunggah, tampak Irwansyah tengah mengecum tangan Zaskia yang dipenuhi selang infus.
"You’ll know that someone loves you because they’ll show up to your life. They won’t leave you hanging on to vague implications or wondering what text messages mean. They’ll show up when they say they will. Tell you what you actually mean. Love you in a way that doesn’t leave room for uncertainties or questions. When somebody loves you they want to give you something concrete to hold onto. There are already so many uncertainties in life. Someone who loves you will not ever want to be one of them > thankyou @irwansyah_15 May Allah bless and keep you safe, each hour of every day amin. #alhamdulillah,” lanjut Zaskia.
Alhasil, postingan itu langsung menuai beragam komentar dari warganet. Mereka salut dengan hubungan pasangan suami istri yang menikah pada 6 Maret 2011.(mg7/jpnn)
BACA ARTIKEL LAINNYA... Zaskia Sungkar Ngebut ke Lokasi Pernikahan Bella dan Emran
Redaktur & Reporter : Djainab Natalia Saroh