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East Kalimantan Jungle in Dire Situation

Minggu, 06 Desember 2015 – 02:25 WIB
East Kalimantan Jungle in Dire Situation - JPNN.COM
East Kalimantan jungle. Photo: AFP - BALIKPAPAN – Jungle damage in East Kalimantan has been severe. Millions hectares of  jungle in Bumi Etam, how East Kalimantan commonly addressed, has been destroyed by people who looked for personal benefit.

Based on the data acquired by Kaltim Post from the House of Representatives working committee of jungle clearing and destruction, more than 1,118,032 hectares of the jungle in East Kalimantan has been destroyed.

It means that about 9.5 percent or 12,906,664 hectares from total 129,066.64 square kilometres of East Kalimantan area has been level with the ground. The destruction was the effect of plantation activities in East Kalimantan.

The biggest damage was in Paser which was reaching 318,253 hectares with 36 working permit. Second place was by East Kutai reaching 214,210 hectares with 12 companies. Paser was also the worst area with jungle damage from mining activities.

There was 250,529 hectares of jungle damage with 80 working permit. The second place was Kutai Kartanegara with 41 companies and jungle damage about 142,663 hectares. (rom/far/jos/apa/jpnn) 

BALIKPAPAN – Jungle damage in East Kalimantan has been severe. Millions hectares of  jungle in Bumi Etam, how East Kalimantan commonly

Redaktur & Reporter : Tim Redaksi

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