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KPK Retrieves Rp 198 Billion in 2015

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2015 – 00:10 WIB
KPK Retrieves Rp 198 Billion in 2015 - JPNN.COM
Numbers of activists held a demonstration to save KPK in the front of antigratification office in Kuningan. Photo: JPNN - JAKARTA – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has performed well throughout 2015. The anti-graft agency has retrieved Rp 198 billion from graft cases.

That sum of money was acquired from 5 operations. In the operations, KPK caught the grafters red handedly by involving considerable law enforcers.

“We performed red handed operations (OTT). We have limited number of detectives. Throughout 2015 we have done 5 red handed operations. The operations involved judges, advocates, House of Representatives (DPR), Regional Legislative Council (DPRD), and private parties,” Acting KPK deputy chairman Indriyanto Seno Adji on Tuesday, December 15.

Furthermore, KPK has concluded some cases so that they have affirmative legal standing throughout 2015. But Indriyanto admitted there are still some cases which are under investigation.

“Regarding the number of cases handled by KPK in 2015, there were 84 cases in the phase of preliminary investigation, 99 case in the phase of full investigation, 91 in prosecution phase and 33 cases in the execution phase of the verdict. Thoughout the year we have retrieved Rp 198 billion,” Indriyanto added. (ril/jos/apa/jpnn)


JAKARTA – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has performed well throughout 2015. The anti-graft agency has retrieved Rp 198 billion

Redaktur & Reporter : Tim Redaksi

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