, JAKARTA - The Iconomics menggelar Indonesia Best Financial Brands Awards 2021 (Millennials’ Choice).
Penghargaan ini sebagai bentuk apresiasi kepada para praktisi industri keuangan yang telah banyak berinovasi dan menunjukkan excellent leadership di tahun 2021, melalui rangkaian survei kepada lebih dari 10.000 responden milenial di bulan September-Oktober 2021.
BACA JUGA: Begini Cara Terhindar dari Jasa Keuangan Palsu
Founder & CEO The Iconomics Bram S. Putro menjelaskan riset The Iconomics dilakukan terhadap 110 bank umum, 100 perusahaan pembiayaan, 110 perusahaan asuransi (umum dan jiwa), 15 Perusahaan Sekuritas dan 20 perusahaan Financial Technology di Indonesia.
“The Iconomics Research menggunakan empat pendekatan dalam memilih perusahaan jasa keuangan yang layak diberikan apresiasi,” terang Bram melalui keterangannya, Sabtu (20/11).
BACA JUGA: The Iconomics Memacu Inovasi Para Perusahaan Asuransi di Masa Sangat Menantang Ini
Empat pendekatan dimaksud Bram yakni, pertama, berdasarkan brand awareness.
Kedua, berdasarkan brand image. Ketiga, berdasarkan customer service reputation.
BACA JUGA: Tidak Mendapat Afirmasi PPPK 2021, Guru Honorer 35+ Ungkap 2 Penyimpangan
Keempat, berdasarkan social contribution reputation.
Daftar Nama Peraih Indonesia Best Financial Brands Awards 2021 (Millennials’ Choice):
Most Famous CEO
PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas - Friderica Widyasari Dewi – Securities - Most Famous CEO In Securities Category
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk - Hery Gunardi - Syariah Finance - Most Famous CEO In Syariah Finance Category
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk - Jahja Setiatmadja - Commercial Bank - Most Famous CEO In Commercial Bank Category Category
PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) - Arief Mulyadi - Special Finance - Most Famous CEO In Special Finance Category
PT BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk - Yuddy Renaldi - Regional Development Bank - Most Famous CEO In Regional Development Bank Category
PT Federal International Finance - Margono Tanuwijaya – Multifinance - Most Famous CEO In Multifinance Category
PT Asuransi Jiwa Inhealth Indonesia - Budi Tampubolon - Life Insurance - Most Famous CEO In Life Insurance Category
PT Mitrausaha Indonesia Grup (Modalku) - Reynold Wijaya - Financial Technology Most Famous CEO In Financial Technology Category
PT BRI Asuransi Indonesia - Fankar Umran - General insurance - Most Famous CEO In General Insurance Category
PT Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk - Yanto Jayadi Wibisono – Reassurance - Most Famous CEO In Reassurance Category
Best Financial Brands
PT BCA Finance - Multifinance <15T - Best Brand Awareness
PT BNI Multifinance - Multifinance <15T - Best Brand Image
PT Bussan Auto Finance - Multifinance <15T - Best Customer Service Reputation
PT Federal International Finance - Multifinance >15T Best Brand Awareness
PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk - Multifinance >15T - Best Customer Service Reputation
PT Clipan Finance Indonesia Tbk - Multifinance <10T - Best Brand Image
PT Mandiri Tunas Finance - Multifinance >15T - Best Brand Awareness
PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero) – Reassurance - Best Brand awareness, Best Brand Image
PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero) - Special Finance - Best Brand Image
PT Pegadaian (Persero) - Special Finance - Best Brand Awareness, Best Social Contribution Perception
PT TASPEN (Persero) - Mandatory Insurance - Best Brand Image, Best Customer Service Reputation
PT Prudential Life Assurance - Life Insurance >30T - Best Brand Awareness, Best Brand Image
PT Asuransi Jiwa Sequis Life - Life Insurance >15T - Best Brand Awareness
PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia - Life Insurance <15 T - Best Social Economy Contribution
PT Sun Life Financial Indonesia - Life Insurance <15T - Best Brand Awareness
PT Indolife Pensiontama - Life Insurance >10T - Best Brand Awareness
PT AJ Central Asia Raya- Life Insurance >10T - Best Brand Image
PT Great Eastern Life Indonesia - Life Insurance >10T - Best Customer Service Reputation
PT Asuransi BRI Life - Life Insurance <10T - Best Brand Awareness
PT AXA Financial Indonesia - Life Insurance <10T - Best Brand Image
PT Asuransi Jiwa Inhealth Indonesia - Life Insurance<5T - Best Brand Awareness
PT Asuransi Cigna - Life Insurance <5T - Best Brand Image
PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia - General Insurance >20T - Best Brand Image
PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia Tbk - General Insurance >10T - Best Sosial Contribution Reputation Award
PT Asuransi Central Asia - General Insurance <10T - Best Customer Service Reputation Award
PT Zurich Asuransi Indonesia Tbk - General Insurance >5T - Best Brand Image
PT Asuransi Wahana Tata - General Insurance >5T - Best Brand Awareness
PT BRI Asuransi Indonesia - General Insurance <5T - Best Brand Awareness
PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia - General Insurance <5T - Best Brand Image
PT Asuransi Bina Dana Artha Tbk - General Insurance <3T - Best Brand Image
PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas – Securities - Best Brand Awareness
PT Indo Premier Sekuritas – Securities - Best Brand Awareness
PT Sinarmas Sekuritas – Securities - Best Brand Image
BPJS Kesehatan - Social Insurance - Best Social Economy contribution
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan - Social Insurance - Best Brand Image
PT Jasa Raharja - Social Insurance Best Brand Awareness
PT Bank Amar Indonesia Tbk (Tunaiku) – Fintech - Best Brand Image
PT Dompet Karya Anak Bangsa (Gopay) -Fintech - Best Brand Awareness
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk - Syariah Finance - Best Brand Image
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - Bank BUKU 4 - Best Social Contribution Reputation
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk - Bank BUKU 4 - Best Brand Awareness, Best Brand Image, Best Customer Service Reputation
PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk - Bank BUKU 3 - Best Brand Image
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk - Bank BUKU 3 - Best Brand Awareness, Best Brand Image
PT Bank DBS Indonesia - Bank BUKU 3 - Best Brand Image
PT Bank Multiarta Sentosa Tbk Bank BUKU 2 - Best Social Economy Contribution
PT BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk – BPD - Best Brand Awareness, Best Brand Image
PT Danareksa (Persero) - Other Financial Services - Best Brand Image, Best Brand Awareness. (esy/jpnn)
Redaktur : Soetomo
Reporter : Mesya Mohamad