Shocking Data: Housewives Dominates HIV/AIDS Cases

Area with the most HIV/AIDS cases were in Manado and Blitung with 1065 cases. “Lifestyle might be the factor. Urban lifestyle had more freedom than in the country, especially when prostitutes were easily found,” added Lampus.
To suppress the number of HIV/AIDS infections in North Sulawesi, the community has to be pro-active. “We would facilitate early detection tests. Secrecy is guaranteed. There are also promotions and outreach program on the symptoms and the danger of HIV/AIDS. And finally the people would make the choice,” he said.
In the meantime, during student road show on Best Student in Manado attended by North Sulawesi Governor Soni Sumarsono and the North Sulawesi Secretary of Provincial AIDS Prevention Commission, dr. MSJ Tangel Kairupan, the governor asked why so many housewives have been infected HIV/AIDS. “Why?”
Sumarsono who has been the Governor for two months looked shocked. “It was because most women who examined themselves, answered or wrote the questionnaire as housewives. For that, we can not intervene,” Kauripan explained. (tr-04/lyw/sam/apa/jpnn)