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Susul Nissan, Mitsubishi Juga Pecat Carlos Ghosn

Selasa, 20 November 2018 – 11:53 WIB
Susul Nissan, Mitsubishi Juga Pecat Carlos Ghosn - JPNN.COM
Carlos Ghosn. Foto: Mitsubishi

Tokyo, November 19, 2018 – Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) today announces that media outlets reported that MMC’s Chairman of the Board and Representative Director, Carlos Ghosn, had been arrested by Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office on the charge of filing annual securities reports containing fake statement, in breach of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.

In response to the arrest of Ghosn, and since the alleged misconduct is related to a corporate governance and compliance issue, it is to be proposed to the Board of Directors to promptly remove Ghosn from his position as MMC’s Chairman of the Board and Representative Director.

We will readily conduct an internal investigation on whether Ghosn has been engaged in the misconduct like the above within MMC.

MMC deeply apologizes for any concern caused by the recent event.

Menyusul Nissan, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) juga mengambil sikap yang sama terhadap Carlos Ghosn atas pelanggaran yang telah diperbuat.

Redaktur & Reporter : Rasyid Ridha

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