Returning Sumatran Tiger Bonita and Atan Bintang to Their Habitat

Senin, 29 Juli 2019 – 18:00 WIB
Sumatran Tiger Bonita and Atan Bintang. Foto : Humas KLHK, JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry in cooperation with the Dharmasraya Sumatran Tiger Rehabilitation Center - ARSARI Djojohadikusumo Foundation (PR-HSD Yayasan ARSARI Djojohadikusumo), along with other stakeholders have carried out a series of necessary procedures on the rescue of Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) Bonita and Atan Bintang to prepare their release back into their natural habitat.

Bonita (8 years old), a female Sumatran tiger, was rescued from the area of PT Indo Plantations in Tanjung Simpang Village, Pelangiran District, Indragiri Hilir Regency on 3 January 2018. While Atan Bintang (4 years old), a male tiger, was rescued from a local settlement at Pulau Burung, Indragiri Hilir Regency on 18 November 2018.

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With the release of these pair of tigers, the number of tigers who have been successfully rehabilitated by PR-HSD and released into their natural habitat are now 4 individuals in total.

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The two Sumatran tigers released, one female tiger Bonita and one male tiger Atan Bintang, were transported by land to wildlife resort in Riau Province to be returned to their habitat.

The Director General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ir. Wiratno, M.Sc stated, “Success in animal conservation depends on cooperation of everyone involved.

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Data from the Sumatran tiger PVA that showed the population of Sumatran tigers in the wild currently numbers 603 individuals, scattered in 23 habitats.

Furthermore, data from the Directorate General of KSDAE shows that more than 50% of the population of endangered animals are currently outside conservation areas such as production forests and protected forests.”

Wiratno continues, “It is important to involve stakeholders such as concession managers, local governments, local people, and NGOs in conservation efforts. It is hoped that from now on, endangered animals including Sumatran tigers outside the conservation area can be protected along with other wild animals in conservation areas. The spirit of cooperation is the key to future synergies.”

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The initiator and founder of PR-HSD, Hashim Djojohadikusumo stated, “PR-HSD is committed to continue to support government efforts to conserve and increase the population of Sumatran tigers.

Since its inauguration by the Minister of Environment and Forestry on 29 July 2017, PR-HSD has rehabilitated 6 tigers with 4 individuals has been successfully released back into their natural habitat. Presently, there is still 1 Sumatran tiger under treatment who has just been rescued from Padang Lawas in early July 2019.”

Hashim emphasized that Sumatran tigers are a symbol of ecosystem conservation, as their existence is only possible if their habitat in forests are in good condition.

The Head of the KSDA Regional Office at Riau, Suharyono, SH, MH stated, “KSDA Regional Office at Riau and its partners have conducted a study for prospective release sites for Sumatran tigers. We take into account factors such as distance from human settlements, the availability of prey, and the low level of threat to decide on release sites. We hope that the release of Sumatran tigers in Riau Province will be able to restore the population of Sumatran tigers in this region and preserve the tigers in their natural habitat.”

The Head of Conservation of Natural Resources Office of West Sumatra, Dr. Erly Sukrismanto added, “The tigers are fitted with GPS Collar device donated by ARSARI Djojohadikusumo Foundation to monitor Bonita and Atan Bintang after release.

The data provided by the GPS Collars will let us know the movement of these tigers to observe home range and adaptation in their new habitat. The KSDA Office at West Sumatra together with the KSDA Regional Office at Riau will continue to monitor the Sumatran tigers after their release”. (adv/jpnn)

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Redaktur & Reporter : Natalia

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