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Daftar Nama Perusahaan Penerima BUMN Awards 2021, Banyak Banget

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2021 – 10:15 WIB
Daftar Nama Perusahaan Penerima BUMN Awards 2021, Banyak Banget - JPNN.COM
Founder & CEO The Iconomics Bram S. Putro saat pengumuman perusahaan BUMN penerima Indonesia BUMN Awards 2021. Foto: The Economics

10. PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) - The Best Brand Popularity in Electricity Category
- The Best Social Economy Contribution in Electricity Category

11. PT Pertamina Lubricants - The Best Brand Popularity in Lubricants Category
- The Best Brand Image in Lubricants Category

12. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk - The Best Brand Popularity in Bank Category
- The Best Brand Image in Bank Category

13. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - The Best Social Economy Contribution in Bank Category

14. PT BNI Life Insurance - The Best Brand Popularity in Life Insurance Category

15. PT Jasa Raharja - The Best Brand Popularity in Mandatory Insurance Category
- The Best Social Economy Contribution in G Mandatory Insurance Category

16. PT TASPEN (Persero) - The Best Brand Image in Mandatory Insurance Category

17. PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia (Persero) - The Best Brand Image in General Insurance Category

Berikut ini daftar nama perusahaan BUMN penerima Indonesia BUMN Awards 2021 yang digelar The Economics.

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