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Daftar Nama Perusahaan Penerima BUMN Awards 2022, Banyak Banget

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2022 – 05:52 WIB
Daftar Nama Perusahaan Penerima BUMN Awards 2022, Banyak Banget - JPNN.COM
Founder & CEO The Iconomics Bram S. Putro saat berpidato di acara pembukaan BUMN Awards 2022. Foto: The Iconomics

PT Kawasan Industri Wijayakusuma (Persero) Industrial Estate Best Annual Report

PT BNI Life Insurance Life Insurance Best Video Company Profile

PT Asuransi Jiwa Inhealth Indonesia Life Insurance Best Annual Report

PT Pertamina International Shipping Logistics Best Printed Company Profile

PT Pupuk Indonesia Logistik Logistics Best Annual Report

PT Semen Indonesia Logistik Logistics Best Video Company Profile

PT Bukit Asam Tbk Mining Best Video Company Profile

PT Aneka Tambang Tbk Mining Best Annual Report

Berikut ini daftar nama perusahaan penerima penghargaan BUMN Awards 2022 dari The Iconomics mengenai brand equity dan corporate communications material.

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