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Hardline Islamic Leader Accuses Purwakarta Regent Ashamed Of His Muslim Identity

Minggu, 29 November 2015 – 00:30 WIB
Hardline Islamic Leader Accuses Purwakarta Regent Ashamed Of His Muslim Identity - JPNN.COM
The leader of the Islamic Defender’s Front (FPI), Rizieq Shihab. Photo: Jawa Pos

In his opinion, he understood that Rizieq’s remark which has ridiculed expression of “sampurasun” was only a sermon’s material. But Dedi has reminded Rizieq that Indonesia is not an Islamic country but a country with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution as its basic foundations.

Therefore, material used in a sermon should consider diversity. Dedi has also reminded Rezieq that Indonesians are multi-ethnic with about 600 of its tribes, traditions, cultures, religions and local faiths. “So, it can’t be viewed only in one perspective,” he added.

Dedi said that Rizieq Shihab has made a big mistake when he has changed Sundanese expression “sampurasun” into “campur racun” during his sermon in Pasar Rebo, Purwakarta on November 15 2015. In his opinion, Rizieq could have, allegedly, construed the expression with hatred. 

Dedi elaborated “Sampurasun”, which is from “sampuraning isun”, could have deemed meaningless by Rizieq. “Sampurasun, in fact, contains a prayer which means perfect yourself. And the reply rampes means acknowledgement of affirmation,” he explained.

“As a muslim Sundanese, I have always said Assalamualaikum followed by Sampurasun,” he said. Hence, when the Islamic greeting and the Sundanese greeting are said ethically, they will create greatness, beauty and peace. (mas/ril/pojoksatu/apa/jpnn)



PURWAKARTA – The leader of the Islamic Defender’s Front (FPI), Rizieq Shihab, has fanned the flames of his quarrel with Purwakarta regent,

Redaktur & Reporter : Tim Redaksi

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