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Kamis Putih, Kasih Putih, Rest in Peace Bung Glenn Fredly...

Kamis, 09 April 2020 – 12:58 WIB
Kamis Putih, Kasih Putih, Rest in Peace Bung Glenn Fredly... - JPNN.COM
Mendiang Glenn Fredly dimakamkan hari ini. Foto: Instagram

"Kasih Putih" It's Means the pure of love, beautiful word, and has a deep meaning. Your song is always in my heart, now you can Rest In Peace My Man, see you in the better place..R.I.P Glenn Fredly," tutur para penggemar di kolom komentar.

Rest in Peace Bung Glenn...(flo/jpnn)

Lagu-lagu Glenn Fredly yang bernuansa cinta sudah menjadi saksi atas banyak kisah cinta para penggemarnya.

Redaktur & Reporter : Natalia

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