New Year 2019, Siti Nurbaya: Continue Corrective Action

Jumat, 04 Januari 2019 – 08:00 WIB
New Year 2019, Siti Nurbaya: Continue Corrective Action -
Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar at 2018 end year Reflection and preparation 2019. Photo: Humas KLHK, JAKARTA - Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF). Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar at 2018 end year Reflection and preparation 2019 deems that the ministry have progressed positively in undertaking it’s functions and authorities in the environment and forestry sectors .

The event was held at Dr. Soedjarwo Auditorium of Manggala Wanabakti Building, Jakarta, on Monday (31/12), appreciations expressed to the all her staff and partners, for the improved performance of the ministry which increasing public trusts and hope.

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At the occasion, Minister Siti discussed the five authorities and obligations, namely to protect the nation - state values, governing authorities and obligations, and that in the sense anything wrong doing to be corrected immediately.

There are also regulative authorities and obligations, that is to manage the bureaucracy and tasks according to the prevailing laws.

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In relation to social forestry, there are distributive or allocative authorities and obligations, and the Ministry to be more responsive, sensitive in the changing situation. By the end of 2018 the Ministry has legalized up to 2.5 million hectares of Social Forestry including indigenous forest. 

At the occasion, Siti Nurbaya reminded the staff of the political turbulence of year 2019, especially from January until the Legislative and Presidential elections in April.

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The ministry must not be distracted by the political situation, and continue working according to respective duties and functions. If we trespass the law and code of ethics, there is the Ethical Council mechanism to warn.

Minister Siti Nurbaya underlined , “I ask all staff to maintain the spirit, and not to be affected by the political situation, we are to conduct our duties and function profesionally. We are to maintain our positive achievement and strive for the best, and sustain the good work”

Minister Siti Nurbaya also expressed her pleasure that from end 2014 to 2018 the ministry that she leads obtained 93 awards, as an achievement which shows that the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, important aspects of good governance, management, budgeting, personel, state own properties management, administration, technology, information, etc. 

“This reminds me of the terms used by President KH Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur regarding kindergarten of an insitution. So, that the Ministry of Environment and Forestry as more advanced Ministry now “ Ministry Siti explained Passing the estafet stick to the next Cabinet. 

It was further explained that, despite the work challenge for the past 4 years, the ministry so far has strive well and subjected to the people and public high expectations, we should therefore continue to do our best .

In preparation for the ending of the cabinet and the handover process “I have prepared the passing or relay of the best practices as well as the corrective actions, so that when time comes the relay can take place smoothly,” Minister Siti said. 

Among the things to be passed on is the social forestry as part of President Jokowis Nawacita, for which 13 million hectares have been allocated for the people. The next step is to ensure of the just distribution mechanism, involving all relevant stakeholders. “Until 2015 this has been going on at the proportion of 96 to 4 percents, meaning that there is only little forest managed by the local people including adat communities. In the next 5-6 years, we hope that 12-13 million hectares of the distribution will be completed, so that the proportion between forests managed by the private sector and by the local people will be 70: 30,” said Siti.

As explained by Minister Siti, for 2019 the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has obtained quite significant proportion of budget for national priority activities, that is around 57-70%. In this regard, Minister Siti requested the staff to perform their best in the following: 
1. Human development through poverty alleviation and promotion of basic services.The implementation is through the Lands for Agrarian Reform (TORA), social forestry, vocational training for local people, and environmental friendly - business mentoring. 

2. Enhancing environmental economy and finance, through the Presidential Regulation no 77 2018 , about the establishment of Indonesia Environmental Trust Fund ( Badan Pengelola Dana Lingkungan Hidup) to support the environmental protection and management. 

3. Promotion of forest products exports and added values. This is implemented through foreign market penetration, increase of production of timber and non-timber forest products, plants and wildlife, new business configuration, and industrial clusters. 

4. Enhancing the management of the natural resources carrying capacity and environmental carrying capacity. Enhance its implementation is through rehabilitation of forests and lands, prevention of forest and land fires, reduction of deforestation rate, promotion of waste management and reduction of plastic use, circular economy, reduction of mercury use, and environmental pollution control. 

5. Improving Sustainable Forest Mangement smart practices based on 4.0 technology.

6. Improving conservation management strategy by involving local community including indigenous community and stakeholders engagement.

7. Promotion of economic and service added-values. The implementation is through eco-tourism, and geothermal and water based energies. “The target in 2019 is a balance between environmental sustainability and development, promotion of equitable economic contribution through new business configuration and circular economy, as well as strengthening of corrective actions as bases for future development,” she further explained. 

8. Continue to strengthen Indonesia’s NDC achievement below 1,5 Celcius in accordance to the Paris Agreement and Katowice Climate Package. 

9. Continue to strengthen the law enforcement effort in environmental crime.

In contribution for the development 2019 and beyond, Minister Siti tasked the Director General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership (PSKL), Director General of Forestry Planning and Environmental Management (PKTL), as well as the Head of the Research and Development and Innovation Agency (Badan Litbang dan Inovasi) the augmentation of the environment and forestry sector to contribute to the to national economic growth. 

The End of Year Reflection and Dialogue attended by staff of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Minister’s Expert Advisers, the Ministry’s partners, as well as the mass media. (adv/jpnn)

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Redaktur & Reporter : Natalia

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